The American Legion Family #113, The City of Lufkin and the VFW #1836 have joined together this year to bring you all three events back to back on the same day.
Starting around noon any old tattered, torn, badly faded 3'x 5' US Flag brought in, you get a new one free. This is a come and go all afternoon. Then at 5:30 the City of Lufkin will present their Annual Flag Day Celebration followed immediately by the VFW #1836 leading the formal Flag Retirement and Disposal Ceremony.
These events have been separate in the past and at different time and locations. We are pleased all events will be held at the VFW Post #1836, 1800 Ford Chapel Road, Lufkin TX.
Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
12:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - come and go from Noon till 5:30. 5:30 City of Lufkin Program followed immediately by the Flag Retirement and Disposal ceremony.
Free to the publc
Contact Information
Rita Redd (936) 674-7347
Send Email