Office Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Driving Directions:
59 S to Brentwood Dr. Exit. Left on Daniel McCall, we are at 3402 on the right side of Daniel McCall before the college.
About Us
In Lufkin, we provide:
Foster Care and Adoption
Buckner provides the training and resources needed to become a family to a child for a season through foster care or a forever family through domestic or intercountry adoption. Children in these programs are most often referred through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services due to experiencing abuse, neglect or abandonment. We also respond to mothers experiencing an unplanned pregnancy with counseling and support.
Buckner Family Pathways
We provide single-parent families the opportunity to live in a safe, secure environment while completing their educational or vocational goals and learning the skills they need to be self-sufficient. Families are provided support through access to affordable housing, financial assistance, counseling, spiritual growth and case management services. .
Transition Programs
Our transition programs are provided for current and former youth in state foster care. The goal of the program is to provide training, support and guidance to youth graduating from foster care that will enhance their ability to transition into independent living.