About Us
Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas is an association of business, education, work, government, and organizations of the community dedicated to provide services to individuals to prepare them to take advantage of the opportunities of work and career and to provide businesses with a qualified workforce. The mission at Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas is to provide solutions for quality workforce development.
Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas helps employers find qualified applicants for specific jobs and develop custom solutions to strengthen their current workforce.
To help people find jobs, keep jobs or get better jobs, the workforce centers offer job search and job matching assistance, career counseling and in some cases, financial aid for education/training or work support. They also can help with career planning, building a resume, preparing for interviews, job readiness, earning a GED, and gaining occupational skills. If a family meets eligibility requirements, Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas Child Care Services may be able to help with financial assistance for child care.